Get to know Notebook, part of its part and how it works.

1.Lcd / Led

LCD stands for "Liquid Crystal Display." LCD is a thin screen on

laptop computers and flat panel display monitors. Smaller LCDs,

used in handheld TVs, PDAs, and portable video gaming devices.

The image on the LCD screen is generated by sandwiching an

electrically, an electrical reactive substance between two

electrodes. The color on this substance can be changed by

increasing or decreasing the electric current. LCD screens are

based on the principle of light balls rather than emitting it, using

lower power than standard CRT (Cathode-Ray Tube) monitors.

The LCD screen utilizes two polarized material sheets with a liquid

crystal solution inside. The electric current passing through the

liquid causes the crystal to align so that the light can not pass

through the liquid.

LEDs (Light emitting diodes)

LEDs are electronic components that let a one-way electric pass.

Which emits light when electricity is applied, like a light bulb. Many

LEDs are side-by-side, they can create images, but Led uses more

power than padalcd.

Difference LED with Lcd ie no longer need inferter.

-Inverter (forLcd only)

Inverter is an electronic device that converts DC (direct current).

Increases the power to give more power to the LCD backligt.If the

inverter is damaged, LCD backlight will not turn on and Lcd will

look dark.

-Lcd / Led cable

The LCD cable is also known as a video cable, display cable or

display cable. This cable serves to transfer data signals from the

motherboard and video card to the LCD screen.

Here's the standard array of Lcd cables:

Pin 1 RED (Red video)

Pin 2 GREEN (Green video)

Pin 3 BLUE (Blue video)

Pin 4 ID2 / RES (formerly Monitor ID bit 2, reserved since E-DDC)

Pin 5 GND (Ground (HSync)

Pin 6 RED_RTN (Red return)

Pin 7 GREEN_RTN (Green return)

Pin 8 BLUE_RTN (Blue return)

Pin 9 KEY / PWR

(Ground (5 + 5V DC) Pin 10 GND (Ground (VSync, DDC)

Pin 11 ID0 / RES (former (Monitor ID bit 0, reserved since E-DDC)

Pin 12 ID1 / SDA (formerly Monitor ID bit 1,

I2C data since DDC2) Pin 13 HSync (Horizontal sync)

Pin 14 VSync (Vertical sync)

Pin 15 ID3 / SCL (formerly Monitor ID bit 3, I2C clock since DDC2)

-internal camera

-microphone (optionable)

-wifi cable antenna

Is a catcher / Radio wave amplifier to provide high speed wireless

and internet network connection.


As the name suggests, the keyboard is basically a key board.

Along with the mouse, the keyboard is one of the main input

devices used with computers. The keyboard design comes from

the original keyboard typewriter, which arranges letters and

numbers by arranging the bar-type so as to avoid jams while typing

quickly. The keyboard layout is known as the QWERTY design,

which gets its name from the first six letters inside the left corner of

the keyboard.

While the keyboard design of the computer may be from a

typewriter, the keyboard currently has another key as well. It is

named with the Modifier key, such as Control, Alt / Option

Command, and (Mac) or Windows key (Windows) can be used in

conjunction with other keys as " Shortcuts "to perform certain

operations. For example, pressing Command-S (Mac), or Control-S

(Windows) usually stores the document or project you are working

on. Most computer keyboards today also have a row of function

keys (F1 F16) along the top of the keyboard, the arrow keys are

also set, with a numeric keypad on the right side. Some keyboards

have even more keys, Allows and makes it easy to change system

volume, remove CDs, or open programs such as e-mail or Web


3. Power swicth (optional)

Power swicth is an on-off switch on a laptop that commands a bios

chip to turn on the Laptop or initiate a shootdown procedure. For

certain motherboard laptops, the power switch is integrated inside

the board.

3.led indicator (optional)

Led indicator is Lights monitoring, functioning power, hard drive,

and other devices.

For certain motherboard laptops, the indicator light is already

integrated inside the board.

4.Optical device (Dvd, cdromm)

Is a device used to read DVD media, CD transfer data to hard disk,

Copy either from media or vice versa or just to play cd song or


Usually netbooks are not facilitated with this device.

5. Harddisk

Hard disks are part of Laptops, often called "disk drives," "hard

drives," or "hard disk drives," which store and provide relatively fast

access to large amounts of data on the electromagnetic surface.

Today's computers usually come with hard disks containing several

billion bytes (gigabytes) of storage.

A disk / hard drive unit with a specified rotational speed varies from

4500-7200 rpm. Disk access time is measured in milliseconds.

Although the physical location can be identified with the cylinder,

track, and location of the sector, This is actually mapped to a

logical block address (LBA) that works with a larger address range

on the current hard disk.

4.Memory sodim / RAM

Random access memory or RAM most often refers to computer

chips that store data while dynamic to improve computer

performance. By storing frequently used or active files in access

memory, the computer can access data faster than it does to take it

from a much larger drive. Random access memory is also used in

printers and other devices.

Random access memory is volatile memory, which means the loss

of its contents once the power computer is turned off. Different from

non-volatile memory like hard disk and flash memory, which does

not require resources to store data. When the computer is shut

down properly, all data located in memory is committed to

permanent storage on the hard drive or flash drive. At the next

boot-up, RAM starts filling up with the program automatically

loaded at startup, and remembering files opened by the user.

There are several types of memory chips (RAM) that are called

with the memory sticks "which is a small circuit board shaped like a

stick candy. The greater the memory capacity the memory memory

is also greater in accessing data

5. wifi card The

name of a wireless network technology that uses Radio waves to

provide wireless high speed and internet network connection

6.Modem card


Processor is a chip that is the brain of the computer. Also known as

CPU (Central Processing Unit).

The processor is a logic circuit that responds and processes the

basic instructions that move the computer.

Processors in a computer Notebook or embedded in a small device

are often called microprocessors.

Microchips are implanted on the CPU hard drive processing

instructions sent to it by computers and software programs.

Processors come in several sizes and are manufactured by

companies such as Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). The

larger the gigahertz processor capacity, the faster the computer will

be able to instruct the process. Some companies have developed

dual / quad core processors, allowing one processor to process

multiple instructions at the same time without slowing down




Audio jack (optional) 10.Speaker

11.VGA card (optional)

(Video Graphics Array) An analog interface widely used between

computers and monitors that use 15-pin plug and socket. Older

CRTs use VGA, and flat panel LCDs typically have both analogue

VGA and DVI digital. However, the new PC may only have DVI or

DisplayPort output.

Graphics cards, also known as video cards, graphics accelerators

or screen cards are computer hardware that retrieves binary data -

that is, compressed data into the system only two digits, and 0s 1s

- and turns this data into the image displayed on the computer

monitor .

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) how it works similar to (CPU).

Both act as brains to complete complex calculations and

processing instructions, but the GPU is specially designed to

perform the calculations needed to create graphs. Some graphics

cards have GPUs with more transistors than CPUs. Data

processed by the GPU is then forwarded to the computer's outer

display device.

The graphics card creates an image, requiring memory that stores

it. VRAM is video random access memory, which stores data on

pixels, colors and locations. Frame buffer is a related term to load

images before use, increasing speed and performance. VRAM can

read and write to memory at the same time


Known as "board system," "main board" "base board" or "logic


The motherboard, providing electrical connections where other

components of the system communicate with each other, also

connects the central processing unit and other host subsystems

and devices.

Laptop devices have microprocessors, main memory, and other

important components connected to the motherboard. Other

components such as external storage, controllers for displaying

video and sound, and peripheral devices can be plugged into the

motherboard as plug-in cards or via cables, Modern computers

have integrated several peripherals into the motherboard itself.

The motherboard (backplane) provides a connection / electrical

conductor where other components of the system communicate

and connect the central processing unit and other host


Laptop computers have microprocessors, main memory, and other

important components connected on the motherboard. Other

components such as external storage, controllers for displaying

video and sound. Peripheral devices can be plugged into the

motherboard via a plug-in card or directly integrated on the

motherboard via onboard chips. Most modern computers already

integrate some peripherals into the motherboard itself.

An important component of the motherboard is the support

microprocessor chipset, which provides a supportive interface

between the CPU and various buses and external components.

This chipset determines, to what, features and capabilities of a


Understanding the workings and structure of components on the

motherboard is the first step to be able to analyze a motherboard

work properly or not. So by looking at the symptoms alone we have

been able to assume the problem lies in which section. This

knowledge will minimize the analysis space that can accelerate the

time in finding problems Which happens on the motherboard.

Motherboard knowledge can be summarized into several parts


Conductor / Line on the motherboard sircuit Conductor is the

electrical conductor that connects between the components on the

electronic sircuit on the motherboard. The conductivity of metal

conductor is strongly influenced by the elements of integration,

impurity or imperfection in metal crystals, All three have a role in

the process of making the carrier itself. Guiding elements in

addition to affecting electrical conductivity, will affect other

mechanical and physical properties. Electric conducting, in addition

to requiring high conductivity, also requires certain mechanical and

physical properties adapted to the use of the conductor itself. The

conductor or path on an electronic sircuit has an important role in

interfacing between components. The traffic complexity in the

motherboard The laptop requires a schema in determining the

direction and relationship between components. In this material

besides being taught about component functions and component

relationships in motherboard circuits, also taught how to read

schema, symbol, Letter component code and common problems on

the board circuit to make it easier to see the connection between

components on the motherboard. - Power suplay Power supply is

a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electrical

loads. This term is most often applied to devices that convert one

form of electrical energy to another. Controls the output voltage for

a given value, the value is controlled to be constant. Power Suplay

can be implemented as a discrete, stand-alone device or as an

integral device designed for load and inside a motherboard Laptop

used in low DC voltage. Most Laptop Motherboards have a power

supply packaged in circuit integration abbreviated with (PU). Chip

is what regulates the distribution of supply voltages all the

components that menbutuhkannya. In addition to having an

integrated chip it also has a discrete component such as a diode as

a rectifier, capacitor as a voltage stabilizer. Inductor as an

integrated support circuit and some other power support. Power

supply knowledge covers basic electronics, smd component

(integrated sircuit and component) how it works, function and how

to measure it and how to understand the datasheet. -Interface In

electronics and computer engineering, an interface can mean:

Physical boundaries of two subsystems or tools. -A section or

circuit in some subsystem that sends or receives signals to or from

other subsystems: Like between chip one with other chip. - A

standard describing a set of functioning characteristics, common

physical interconnect characteristics, and signal characteristics for

data or signal exchange; Usb interface, scsi interface and so on.

Understand interface techniques between components of the

motherboard, by recognizing the character of the chip and how it

works and how to connect with other components. Microcontroler

Microcontroller is a digital electronics device that has input and

output and control with programs that can be written and deleted in

a special way. How microcontroller actually works just read and

write data. Simply imagine yourself when you start learning to read

and write, When you can do that you can start reading any

posts whether it's writing books, short stories, articles and so forth,

and you also can start writing things otherwise. Similarly, if you

are adept at reading and writing data on a microcontroller then you

can create a program to create a regulatory system using a

microcontroller to your liking. Microcontrollers are computers in

chips that are used to control electronic equipment, which

emphasizes efficiency and cost effectiveness. Literally can be

called "small controller" Where an electronic system that previously

required many supporting components such as TTL and CMOS ICs

can be reduced / minimized and ultimately centered and controlled

by this microcontroller. The BIOS software is built on computer

motherboards based on the microcontroller system, and is the first

code executed by the computer when it is enabled ('firmware

boot'). The main function of the BIOS is to set the hardware and

load (load) in starting an operating system when the computer

starts up, the first job for the BIOS is to initialize and identify system

devices such as video, keyboard, mouse, hard disk drive, optical

disk drive and other hardware . The BIOS then puts the software

on peripheral devices (designated as' Boot device '), such as a

hard disk or CD / DVD, and executes the software as well as

providing control. This process is known as boot, or boot up, which

stands for bootstrap. An important component of the motherboard

is the support microprocessor chipset, which provides a supportive

interface between the CPU and various buses and external

components. This chipset determines, to what, features and

capabilities of the motherboard. The parts integrated with the

motherboard are: -Chips: ICH (IO controller hub) ICH in easy

language is central traffic control component in motherboard. If

seen in schematic, almost all components are connected to ich,

brand ICH Intel, sis, via And others have their own karaker .. If in

the inspection of device damage in the motherboard power

devices, components or paths are not found signs of damage, then

certainly the problem arises on the ICH that serves as a connector

device chip components, ICH improvements are discussed in the

middle and professional level. The closer part sections integrated

with ich are, bios (eprome), usb, wifi, modem, sound and vga. -Vga

Chip-Northbridge chip-Super IO CHip. -Component ic, capacitor,

diode, relay, filter, regulator, crystal, resistor, etc. -Socket and

connector: Procesor socket (optional) memory socket-bluetooth-

socket connector Hard-socket optical drive-media-card socket-

sockets vga (optional) keyboard socket-sockets Lcd panel -S

power socket (optional) sockets- Optional) -socket battery etc. 13.

Battery Pack is a rechargeable energy saver (regarge) functions as

a backup power or primary power when the laptop is used away

from the reach of electricity. 14.Casing of chassis parts: engine

casing-casing Lcd-docking (optional) 15.Power Adapter / Charger

Laptops using external power supply, called "power adapter" or

"power brick." Convert AC to a single DC voltage that goes into the

laptop's internal power supply, which generates all the required

voltage. External adapters are used to reduce the size and weight

of the laptop.

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CLICK HERE FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT The purpose of electronic circuits is to control the flow of electric currents, it has been foun...