Microcontroller is a microprocessor system

SET is contained inside a chip. Contains components

Supporting microprocessor systems, memory and interface providers

(Interface) Input output controller, the difference with

The microprocessor usually contains only CPUs (except


Significant difference between Microprocessor and

Microcontroller is, Microprocessor is a CPU (Central

Processing Unit) without memory and I / O support, meanwhile

Microcontroller consists of CPU, Memory, certain I / O and units

Supporters, such as Analogto Digital Converter (ADC)

Already integrated in the microcontroller.

This system can receive input signal, process it and

Provide output signal in accordance with the program in content to


The input signal of the microcontroller is derived from the sensor which is

Information from the environment (discrete) while the output signal

Addressed to the actuator (an electronic circuit for

Move or control a mechanism or system)

Then give effect to the environment.

Easily the microcontroller can be analogized as the brain of

A device / product that is programmed to be capable

Interact with the surrounding environment in accordance with the command

Programming. The microcontroller system is often referred to as

Embeddedsystem is the embedded system controller on

A product.

Embedded System can not Stand Alone

Physically the workings of a microcontroller can be explained

As read instruction cycles are stored inside

Memory. The microcontroller will determine the address of the memory

The program to be read, and do the reading process

Data on its memory. Then the data is read

Interpreted as commands called programs


The microcontroller needs a clock oscillator to trigger the CPU

Working on one instruction to the next instruction on the fly

Sequential.Each small step of microcontroller operation

It requires one or more clock cycles for

Run it.

There are several different types of memory encountered within

Microcontroller, ROM (ReadOnly Memory) and RAM (Random

Access Memory). ROM used as Storage media

Program whereas in modern electronic Circuit Often

Using EPROM type (Erasable Programmable Read Only

Memory) and EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable Read

Only Memory). CPU, memory, clock oscillator, and I / O are in

One integrated circuit. If some elements are removed, then

This system can not work.

In this note I will discuss how the application

A micro controller inside a circuit board especially on

Laptop motherboard.

Unlike the simple Embedded controller

, Micro controller on sircuit Laptop Motherboard is more complex

Where the Embedded system has an external rom called

With a BIOS IC. Though separate they really are

Parts that can not be separated.

EC bios the task of controlling Power management and others

In accordance with the programming commands that are already set

Based on interfaces I.O available. Differences arrangement

Circuit with programming will cause no system


Storage capacity on ROM is also much larger so

More detailed and complex programming can be done.

Almost a whole System switching on a motherboard Laptop

Arranged by this system, even micro controller in this system

Can do 5 stages switching which time is not

At the same time or the term is better known as Sleep State.

Micro controller can accept ADP + input as VALW command

Standby on the main Power Line in the circuit, the input signal is set

Based on programming commands so that if signal

Input (adapter current detector) recorded according to range

Programming then EC will allow ADP + to go inside

Circuit and when the input detects an excessive voltage

Then the system will push the analog ground to

Blocking ADP + from entering into circuit and activating

OVP (over voltage protection)

Embedded systems also manage based on input signal when

Must be ordered to do charging system on battery

Laptop, usually this signal is called BAT_IN and active when

Battery installed, this detection will give the command

To perform charging by sending a signal

CHG_Enable on Charger IC.

So many Embedded systems are involved in the motherboard

Laptop, they set almost the entire input output

Communication interface inside sircuit.

Beginning with a switching system in which the EC receives a signal

EC_ON to enable the Embedded controller and enable

VS signal (State enable) then sends signal gate driver

To enable Power state based on the sequence it has


Embedded systems also receive sensor detection inputs

Heat on and off Power System if temperature exceeds

Specified limits and more setting settings

Which I may discuss in a closed session.

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